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Job posting: Technical Information Specialist (Big Data Informatics) at the National Agricultural Library


Dear all,

A job posting from the National Agricultural Library to manage the Ag Data Commons, a data catalog and repository (


Dear Colleagues,

DIDAg Workshop Announcement: June 20th-22nd, 2018


The National Agricultural Library is hosting a workshop on data management in agriculture, focusing on two research areas: dairy agroecosystems and agricultural economics. See the full announcement below for details.




You are invited to attend our upcoming workshop taking place at the National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD on June 20th-22nd:

“Driving Innovation through Data in Agriculture (DIDAg) – data management and publication for researchers and information scientists.”


Webinar: data management 101 - May 30, 12:30 EDT


Data Management 101: Tips for making your published data more FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable)

Presented by Leonore Reiser as part of the webinar. No fee but registration required here:

Post-PAG business


Dear all,

Thanks to everyone who attended our meeting at PAG! For those who weren't able to attend, and as a reminder for those who did, here's a summary of some of the action items that were discussed at the meeting.

White Paper for your COMMENTS!!


The WHITE PAPER IS NOW OPEN for your comments!!

Please be aware that with so many authors, and with a 50 page paper, this is difficult.  I Suggest that you review your area of expertise first.  If you have time, review and comment on additional sections.  Make suggestion in the Google Doc.  Please send Overall suggestion to the Steering Committee: