Bringing FAIR Data in the Classroom workshop, ASPB 2023

Workshop description:

Title: "Bringing FAIR Data in the Classroom", Plant Biology 2023 Conference

Location: Virtual
Date: Friday, August 4, 10 AM ET
Duration: 30 minutes


Plant biologists generate myriad types of important data, from genetics to genomics to breeding to phenotypes. Ensuring that data complies with FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles is a priority for funding agencies, publishers, and the overall scientific community. We will have three speakers addressing educational opportunities and challenges in this area as well as available open-source curriculum materials:

  1. Jason Williams (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory), representing Life Science Trainers, will introduce and show an example of a course-based research experience (DNA Barcoding) that integrates biology and data themes. | SLIDES |
  2. Sara El-Gebali (SciLifeLab Data Centre), co-founder of FAIRPoints, will introduce this program and its pragmatic measures developed by the community toward the implementation of the FAIR data principles. | SLIDES |
  3. Meg Staton (University of Tennessee), representing the AgBioData Education working group, will present open access educational curriculum to explore the current biological database ecosystem and communicate concrete recommendations for FAIR data handling. | SLIDES |